
Collection of canceled Zaire stamps


The amateurs of African used stamps will find certainly their happiness in this batch coming from Zaire. The name of ?Zaire? indicates since 1997 the current territory of the Democratic republic of Congo. This state is located north of Angola.Parmi the stamps which we selected, you will be able to find of the representations of flowers, trains, wild animals or of musical instruments. Stamps bearing the effigy of Einstein or of Joseph-Desired president Mobutu are also present in the batch. Lastly, a stamp celebrating the fiftieth birthday of the creation of Regideso (undertaken distributing drinking water) is also included.     La Maison du Collectionneur composed of the batches gathering from 25 to 200 stamps. The prices start with 3 euros.The stamps present in this unit are used (except contrary mention) and are all different. It can happen that new stamps slip into the batches, and this in spite of our attention. We selected for you this sorter, ideal to classify and put at the shelter your stamps of collection.

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2,00 € tax incl.

Price from 1,40 €

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