Katanga - 10 different stamps View larger

Katanga canceled stamp collection


The collectors in search of African used stamps of the State of Katanga will find their happiness in this batch. The province of Katanga had declared its independence in the Democratic republic of Congo in 1960. She thus took the name of State of Katanga. The official language was French.Thus, the inscription ?Independence? is present on several stamps of this batch: it is accompanied by the date ?July 11th, 1960?. You will be able to also find a series emitted and devoted in 1960 to several species of flowers. Lastly, art holds an important place thanks to sculptures and masks africains.La Maison du Collectionneur places at your disposal of the batches from 10 to 50 stamps. The prices begin with 3 euros. All the stamps are different and are sold to you while being used (except contrary mention). However, it happens that certain new stamps are in the batches. You begin a collectiondu Katanga, read our guide in order to help you. La Maison du Collectionneur makes a point of providing you the adequate material to arrange and protect your stamp collections.

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