
Antigua mint stamp collection


If you wish to obtain stamps published in Antigua, this unit will be able to help you to supplement your collection. It is about a state located in the Antilles, not far from the Guadeloupe, and composed of two islands. It is an old British colony which became independent in 1981.Several sets of themes are available on this page: first of all, you will be able to receive a series devoted to the military uniforms and emitted in 1974. You will find also several species of butterflies such as the eurema elathea. Among the other topics are tourism, the water skiing or scouting. Lastly, Christmas and of the tables of Raphael, Italian painter, are représentés.La Maison du Collectionneur places at your disposal a batch of 25 stamps whose price is of 3 euros.  These stamps are new. We constitute the batches in a very conscientious way.  Specific and perfect sorters to accommodate your collections are also sold on our site, like this model. That they are new or used stamps, your collection claims an effective arrangement. In order to you guide we published this article.We also propose to you our stamp albums for the arrangement of your various collections.

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