UAE - 50 different stamps View larger

Collection of canceled United Arab Emirates stamps


If you are in search of used stamps of the United Arab Emirates, we propose this unit to you which will bring an added-value to your collection. The United Arab Emirates are on the Arabic peninsula, north of Oman, and are composed of seven emirates. The coasts of this country are bordered by the Persique.Dans gulf this batch of stamps of collection, you will be able to receive illustrations of the armorial bearings of the country: it is about a falcon representing the national flag. The road traffic is another set of themes, just as the handicap. You will thus find a series emitted and devoted in 1981 to the international year of the handicapped people.Several stamps are on sale on the site of La Maison du Collectionneur (from 50 to 200 stamps). The first price is of 8 euros. We selected for you this sorter, ideal to classify and put at the shelter your stamps of collection. The stamps present in this unit are used (except contrary mention) and are all different. It can happen that new stamps slip into the batches. You begin an used stamp collection from the United Arab Emirates, read our guide in order to help you.

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Country:United Arab Emirates
Packaging:Lots And Collections
Search ObjectStamp

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