
Finland - 10 Euro Silver Jylhä Konsta and folk music - 2010



Finland - 10 Euro Silver Jylhä Konsta and folk music - 2010 - the Finnish folk musician more known and composer, Konsta Viljami Jylhä, were born August 14 1910 in Kaustinen with a family with a tradition to play of the violin. Jylhä father, deceased very young, was regarded as one of the best fiddlers in Ostrobotnie power station. However, Jylhä did not have time to become the apprentice of its father, as it was only three years old at the time of the death of his father. - A folk musician who learned how to play ear - Konsta have its first experiences with the music of violin instead of work of his/her mother, the Santeri coffee. The coffee was a meeting place, arts center and the agency of news of the village. Jylhä learned how to play of the harmonium and the violin with the ear while listening and by accompanying the old fiddlers who played in the coffee. During its voyages through dangerous disturbed areas, Kalm discovered of the hundreds of new varieties of plants. He wrote his conclusions in a series of voyages “in American Journeys 'drafts and its description of the Niagara Falls was published in several newspapers. La maison du Collectionneur proposes to you to arrange your 2 euro commemorative the stockbooks coins Lindner or the case for 144 coins 2 Euro of Safe.

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