Reduced price! Memel - 25 timbres différents View larger

Memel stamp collection stamp collection


Stamps of French Memel. Stamp collection of this town of Lithuania created by the Teutonic Knights, then under French protectorate of 1920 to 1923, Lithuanian of 1923 to 39, German of 1939 to 1945, then Russian and finally Lithuanian since 1990. To help you to arrange your stamps we propose a stockbook stamps to you. The photograph represents an example of the stamps which you could find in this collection.Generally the stamps are used (unless otherwise specified), some new stamps can be included in the batches.These collections are scrupulously made up, however an error is always possible, do not hesitate with us to announce it.

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16,80 € tax incl.

21,00 € tax incl.


Price from 16,80 €

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