Concorde aircraft: 25 different stamps View larger

Collection of Concorde aircraft canceled stamps


We have found for you thematic stamps postmarked with the Concorde. The richness of this lot lies in the fact that the stamps come from various current or former countries such as North Korea and Upper Volta.

There is no doubt that the famous supersonic plane will add value to your collection. You will be able to acquire collectible philatelic items that illustrate events that have marked history. Among them are the first transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh and the tenth anniversary of the first commercial supersonic flight. The Republic of Mali also issued a stamp in 1973. It celebrates the first direct crossing of the North Atlantic by Concorde.

Enrich your collection with the 25 stamps sold for 5 euros on the Maison du Collectionneur website. The stamps in this set are postmarked (unless otherwise indicated) and are all different. It may happen that new stamps slip into the lots, despite our attention. Sorting your stamps is not always easy, to help you we have published this small guide. We have selected for you this album, ideal for sorting and protecting your collectible stamps.

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