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It is in 2008 that the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe issued a banknote of 100 trillion of dollars (100 000,000,000 000$).
The strongest facial value of modern times on a banknote. Indeed, between July 2007 and July 2008, the annual inflation rate for Zimbabwe was evaluated with surroundings 231,000 000%!!
This banknote of 100 trillion of dollars is however the last of a series of 27 banknotes, started modestly in August 2008 with a banknote of 1$. It was then the escape ahead, since it runs out only 4 months before the appearance of this cut of 100 trillion of dollars. In spite of the installation at the beginning of 2009, of one 4th “dollar”, hyperinflation continues to prevail, president Robert Mugabe makes the decision to give up the Zimbabwean dollar with the profit of the American dollar which becomes in fact the official currency of Zimbabwe.
A few years ago already I had had opportunity of buying this banknote at a relatively modest price, which I would have of making! Today, I succeeded in finding it, at a price definitely more raised, and still there remained only 5 specimens about it. A small council, that it is for the collection or for the “fun” this banknote is worth really the turning, then if you find one of them, do not hesitate.
Some among you must think that there is error in the terminology “trillion”; I relay below excel it article of Wikipedia on this subject:
In the countries using the long scale (whole world except for most anglophone countries and of Brazil), a trillion represents number 10 with power 18, i.e. 1,000,000 000,000,000 000, is a billion billion or a million million million. A trillion is then equal to a million with the power three, from where the term. The prefix corresponding to this number in the international system of units (IF) is the exa. In the countries using the short scale a trillion represents number 10 with power 12, i.e. 1,000,000 000,000 is thousand billion. It is called billion in the long scale. The prefix corresponding to this number in the international system of units is will téra it.!
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