
Banknote of 10 francs: history and anecdotes

Posted on: nov. 15, 2018 | Author: | Categories: Billetophilie - Banknote
Impassioned by the billetophilie, did you always want more on the history of famous banknote of 10 francs? When did it appear? How did it evolve? When did it disappear?
Banknote of 10 francs: history and anecdotes

The value “10 francs” can as well indicate coins as banknotes. In fact, several banknotes of this value followed one another since 1916:

    The banknote of 10 Minerve francs

It is very first banknote of 10 francs. It is also that which remained longest in circulation since it was withdrawn in 1963. It is Minerve, the goddess of wisdom, the war, the strategy and the intelligence who is represented with the recto. A young country-woman is painted with the back. This banknote was created and emitted during the First World War whereas the first banknotes in francs came out in 1800!

    The banknote of 10 francs Minor

The second banknote of 10 francs, the 10 francs Minor, comes out also in a context of war: more precisely, this banknote was issued in 1941, during the German occupation. A minor is represented with the recto and a young country-woman is also represented with the back. At that time, the General advice of Banque de France wanted to put at the honor the trades and the areas. In filigree, it is possible to see the portrait of Joan of Arc. The 10 francs Mineur is smaller than his predecessor (118mm X 75mm against 138mm X 88mm).

    The banknote of 10 new francs Richelieu

It is in 1959 that the banknote of 10 new francs Richelieu comes out. This banknote has the characteristic to be identical to that of 1,000 francs Richelieu: it represents the cardinal-duke of Richelieu as well as the Palais Royal. It has name “new francs” because one year before, the general De Gaulle undertook a reform of the economic structure of France. Precisely, it is on December 27th, 1958 that the new one franc was created. According to the site information-collection, the year 1963 is most required.

    The banknote of 10 francs Voltaire

Created in January 1963, this banknote represents Voltaire in front of the House of Flora to the recto and Voltaire in front of the castle of Cirey to the back. The illustration of the recto is inspired by the Palate of Tileries seen of the quay of Orsay, a painting of Raguenet Nicolas-Jean-Baptist. As for the filigree, it represents Voltaire without wig, an illustration directly inspired of the sculpture of Jean-Antoine Houdon. It is the banknote of 10 francs which was drawn (2 402,500,000 specimens).

    The banknote of 10 Berlioz francs

This banknote was created in November 1972: it is the last banknote of 10 francs. Side design, the recto represents Hector Berlioz with the Invalids and the back represents Hector Berlioz in front of the Médicis Villa, the vault Saint-Angel and the basilica Saint-Pierre. Through the filigree, one can see a portrait of the composer and orchestra conductor.

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