
Various types of philately

Posted on: sept. 26, 2017 | Author: | Categories: Philately - Stamps
Various types of philately

Philately and its various specialities

Are you interested by philately? That you are an informed collector or an amateur of pretty stamps of collection, discover the various types of philately. If each philatelist is free to collect that of which he wants, there exist several branches connected to philately. Here what to find new ideas of collection!

Tax philately

This branch of philately is also called fiscophilie and is devoted to:

  •     Stamped papers: it is in this form that the first revenue stamps made their appearance. During the reign of Louis XIV, prints were affixed by the authorities on various documents.
  •     Mobile revenue stamps: these stamps appeared in 1840 after the postage stamps.
  •     Social-postal stamps: these stamps make it possible to show that a social contribution was paid by the employees or the employers.
  •     Tax obliterations: they make it possible the stamps to be used only once.

Pro-globalization philately

To seek and collect all the stamps of the world? It is the bet of the pro-globalization philatelist! But the task is immense, even impossible: sometimes raised prices, much of time to devote to the collection, certain stamps difficult to find, lack of place to store the stamps, etc This is why these impassioned redefine the limits of their collection. They can concentrate over one precise historical period or a geographical zone.

Philately set of themes

As its name indicates it, this kind of philately indicates the action to collect the stamps by topic. And these sets of themes are very varied: political animals, trades, men or women, flags, plants, cars, trains… The collector chooses the topic according to its tastes and of its desires. It can also refine a set of themes: for example, the cat-like ones, the tropical plants, etc In the beginning, this activity was called constructive philately.

The maximaphilie

This branch establishes the link between philately and the picture postcard collecting. It is a question of studying the postcards whose illustration, stamp and obliteration have the same set of themes (for example, the allegorical symbol Marianne). These three joined together elements form a document which one calls chart-maximum. Precise rules frame this practice: it is necessary in particular that the chart was emitted before the postage stamp. The maximaphiles must thus comply with the rules dictated by the International federation of Philately (FIP).


This discipline consists in collecting the stamps related to air transport. French the Aérophilatélique Circle, association created in 1957, are specialized on the history of the airmail. The sets of themes related to this branch of philately are varied. According to the website of CAF, aerophilately gathers the study of the flights of the pioneers of aviation, the men and women having played a decisive part in the history of aviation or of the broken air mails.

The errinophilie

A errinophile collects the nonpostal labels: they are more precisely labels commemorative, tourist, advertising, etc the field of military and political propaganda also saw being born a good amount of labels, and in particular for the period of the First World War. The labels are different from the stamps because they cannot frank letters

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