
How to ensure its stamp collection?

Posted on: oct. 10, 2017 | Author: | Categories: Philately - Stamps
How to ensure its stamp collection?

To ensure its stamp collection, an act necessary?

You to be the happy owner of a stamp collection which becomes increasingly important? Are certain stamps rare and are worth much money? Inevitably the question of the insurance arises: burgling, flight, flood, fire… how to make to ensure your flight or stamp collection and to thus receive a compensation in the event of disaster? How to obtain the best possible cover?

To read again your contract of comprehensive insurance dwelling

The first stage is to get in touch with your insurer: what is it stipulated under the general terms of your contract? More precisely, check the section devoted to the valuable articles, the invaluable goods or the collections. Generally, the stamp collections are understood in the mention “valuable articles” but the terms can nevertheless vary according to the insurers. Moreover, you will not always find the mention exact “stamp collection”, the types of collections being too vast.

To estimate and ensure its collection

Y-a it a minimum amount so that your stamp collection is regarded as such? The amounts are very variable: and there still, all depends on your insurer! According to the Comparator Insurance, those can go from approximately 2,000 euros to 10,000 euros. Thus start by estimating your stamp collection, and this in order to obtain the compensation just possible. With this intention, either you evaluate yourself the actual value of your stamps, or you call upon an expert.

- Is Your collection located below 2,000 euros? Your insurance multirisk dwelling will be able to protect you.

- Is Your collection worth less than the minimum amount proposed by your insurance? Another insurance will be adapted.

- Does Your collection largely exceed the 10,000 euros? Think of contacting an insurance broker specialized. This solution is adapted but will cost obviously expensive than a traditional insurance.

Whatever the amount of your collection, you can also get in touch with a specialist in the philatelic insurance such as HWI France. And whatever the insurance which you choose, take the time to check all the conditions of the contract and possible exclusions of clause:

    Which are the covered disasters?
    Could I be compensated if my stamp collection is stolen at the time of a voyage?
    Does the guarantee flight function if I am absent over one long period?

Which are the methods of compensation?

What to make in the event of disaster? Your insurer will obligatorily ask you to present documents in proof to him to be able to proceed to a compensation.

It will be thus with you to provide the required documents:

    Possible invoices
    Photographs of the stamps
    Descriptions of your stamps
    Certificate of authenticity provided by an expert

In descriptions, do not hesitate to be very precise: possible defects, specificities which would make it possible to identify the stamp, presence or not of obliteration, etc Enfin, think of putting regularly up to date your estimates and your descriptive list (once a year or once every two years).

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