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Liste de produits par fabricant Banque centrale de la Barbade

Central Bank of Barbados

It was after the country's independence has created the Central Bank of Barbados, in 1971. The government wanted indeed promote economic development. Previously, the monetary policy of Barbados was managed by the Monetary Authority of East Caribbean States.
This structure is considered the first financial institution in the country and is working closely with the government to define national monetary and fiscal policy. This organization is not a commercial bank and does not offer services to the general public. This is an institution whose main aim is to ensure monetary stability. The Central Bank of Barbados works daily to promote a healthy financial situation and the development of economic and financial markets. Its other functions are the management of foreign exchange reserves, issuance of tickets, control of the national debt and the realization of statistics that should be made available to the government and the general public. The Central Bank of Barbados acts as banker of the government. It must also advise the government on monetary and fiscal issues.
The Central Bank of Barbados is a structure that promotes integrity, transparency and respect.

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Résultats 1 - 7 sur 7.