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mISE à JOUR 2021
Russian States: Used stamp collection all different
Russia: Used stamp collection all different
Armed Russia Northern West: Used stamp collection all different
Western Armed Russia: Used stamp collection all different
White Russia: Used stamp collection all different
The USSR (Union of the Socialist Soviet republics) is a vast state having existed of 1922 to 1991. Its capital was Moscow and approximately 293...
We propose a set of new and varied stamps to you coming from the USSR. This state existed of 1922 to 1991, year who marks her dissolution. Many...
Raising Russian: Used stamp collection all different
The USSR Year 1965 Supplements obliterated
The USSR Year 1982 Supplements obliterated
The USSR Year 1983 Supplements obliterated
Découvrez avec La Maison du Collectionneur Timbre collection U.R.S.S N° Yvert et Tellier 2467/2468 Oblitéré. Cosmos, timbres sur feuille d'argent
La Maison du Collectionneur vous propose Timbre collection U.R.S.S N° Yvert et Tellier 698/704 Neuf avec charnière. Vues de Moscou