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Do you seek stamps of collection of the principality? La Maison du Collectionneur proposes to you a great choice of stamps of Monaco. Complete years for your collection!
number 1870 - World Day of Civil Protection 6f green, black and red - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1871 - Tribute to Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco (1929-1982). Issuing joint US-Monaco 5f blue - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1872 - International Dog Show in Monte Carlo. Special Newfoundland and St. Bernard 2f20 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1873 - X ° Golf Open Monte Carlo 2f20 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1874 - Tenth Biennial antique shops, jewelers and art galleries Monte Carlo 7f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1875/76 - EuroAir mail 1993 (2 values) - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1877/80 - Definitive series. Flore. Reproduction of Etienne Clerissi watercolors, colored, 4 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1881/84 - Definitive series, Effigy of HSH Rainier III, cq type 4 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1885/87 - Admission of the PrinciAir maillity of Monaco as a UN member state (28/05/1993) 3 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1888-1803 - 101 ° Session of the International Olympic Committee, Olympic Disciplines, emblem of the Monegasque Olympic Committee, 16 values...
number 1906-1907 - Red Cross 1993 (2 values) - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1908 - 150th anniversary of the birth of numberrwegian composer Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) 4f blue-gray and dark blue - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH...
number 1909 - Centenary of the birth of Air mailinter and sculptor Juan Miro (1893-1983) 5f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1910 - 400th anniversary of the birth of Air mailinter Georges de la Tour 6f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1911 - Centenary of the Union Monaco Briefmarken 2f40 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1912/14 - Christmas. Santons de Provence (V) 3 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1915/18 - Definitive series, Flora the Exotic Garden, types T.-P. 1993 4 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1919/22 - Current Series, National Museum of Automatons 4 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1923 - XVIII International Festival of Monte Carlo Circus 2f80 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1924/25 - Winter Olympics in Lillehammer (numberrway), Olympic sports, red and blue, two values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1926/29 - Protection of the marine environment. Cetaceans of the Mediterranean (III) 4 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1930 - International Dog Show in Monte Carlo. Special "King Charles SAir mailniel" 2f40 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1931 - Monaco Committee for the Fight against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2f40 + 60c multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1932 - XXVII International Competitionumber 4f40 multicolored bouquets - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1933 - X ° Great Monte Carlo Magic price 5f blue, red-brown and black - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1934 - XXV anniversary of the culmiferous Brotherhood of the Golden Grand Cordon of French cuisine 6f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH...
number 1935-1936 - EuroAir mail 1994 (2 values) - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1937 - Centennial Olympic International Committee 3f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1938 - Symposium of "INDEMER" (Econumbermic Institute of the Law of the Sea) 6f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1939 - International Year of the Family 7f blue, green and orange-brown - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1940 - FIFA World Cup, the US 8f black, red and brown - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1941 - International Amateur Athletics Federation 8f purple, olive and blue - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1942 - Antique Car Collection of HSH Rainier III 2f80 dark brown, purple and black - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1943 - Grand Prix ASCAT (International Association of Editeirs of postage stamps catalogs and philatelic publication) 3f black, pink and...
number 1944 - XXI UPU Congress in Seoul (South Korea) 4f40 blue, red-brown and black - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1945/47 - Inauguration of the Museum of Stamps and Coins 3 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1948/50 - Inauguration of the Museum of Stamps and Coins (Issued in sheet) 3 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1951-1952 - 50th Anniversary of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) 2 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1953/56 - The Stamp Show, the Air mailris Floral Air mailrk, Four seasons Air mailricot 4 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1957/59 - Christmas 1994 (3 values) - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1960/61 - Red Cross 1994 (2 values) - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1962 - 300th anniversary of the birth of François-Marie Arouet says Voltaire (1694-1778) 5f olive and brown - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH -...
number 1963 - 150th anniversary of the birth of Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) 6f lilac purple and brown - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1964 - 275th anniversary of the publication of the works of Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" 7f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH -...
number 1965 - 150th anniversary of the birth of the Air mailinter Henri Rousseau "Le Douanier" Work of the artist, 9f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** -...
number 1966/70 - Common Series, Exotic Flora Garden. Reproduction of Etienne Clerissi watercolors, colored, 5 values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH -...
number 1971 - 19th International Festival of Monte Carlo Circus 2f80 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1972 - 35th Television Festival 8f brown and brownish-pink - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1973 - "Co.Ro. 95" Rotary International Convention in Nice, blue 4f - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1974 - Special Olympics International, in New Haven (USA), Olympic games disabled, 3f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1975/78 - The four seasons jujube, multicolored four values ??- Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1979 - European Year of Nature Conservation 2f40 multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1980 - Dog Show in Monte Carlo, Special "and American Cocker Cocker" 4f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1981 - XXVII International Competitionumber 5f multicolored bouquets - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1982 - European Congress of bonsai, the Congress Centre-Auditorium Monaco 6f multicolored - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1983 - Centenary of the birth of the Prince Pierre of Monaco (1895-1964) brown-lilac 10f - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum
number 1984 - General Assembly of the World AMADE (World Association of Children's Friends) 7f blue - Stamp (s) ** - Mint NH - Original Gum