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mISE à JOUR 2021
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 1/14 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 15 MNH: Peaceful uses of sea-beds
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 16 MNH: International aid with the refugees
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 17 MNH: WFP
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 18 MNH: New head office of the U.P.U in Bern
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 19/20 MNH: International year cntre the racial...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 21 MNH: International school of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 22 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 23 MNH: Nonproliferation of the nuclear weapons
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 24 MNH: World day of health
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 25/26 MNH: Conference of the United Nations on the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 27 MNH: 25é Birthday of the Economic commission...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 28/29 MNH: Art in the United Nations (I)
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 30/31 MNH: Decade of disarmament
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 32 MNH: Fight against the drug misuse
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 33 MNH: 5é Birthday of the program of the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 34 MNH: Council Resolutions of the United Nations...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 35/36 MNH: 25é birthday of the Universal...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 37/38 MNH: New seat from the International Labor...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 39/40 MNH: Centenary of the U.P.U.
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 41/42 MNH: Art in the United Nations (II)
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 43/44 MNH: The world year of the population
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 45 MNH: Conference of the United Nations on the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 46/47 MNH: Peaceful uses of extra-atmospheric space
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 48/49 MNH: International year of the Woman
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 50/51 MNH: 30é birthday of the United Nations...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 52/53 MNH: Direct Namibia, Repsponsabilité of the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 56 MNH: Federations world of associations of the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 57 MNH: United Nations Conference on Trade and...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 58/59 MNH: Conference desNations Linked on the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 60/61 MNH: 25é Birthday of the postal...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 62 MNH: World council of the food
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 63 MNH: New building of the seat of the Worldwide...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 64/65 MNH: conference of the United Nations on water
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 66/67 MNH: Security Council of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 68/69 MNH: Fight against the racial descrimination
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 70/71 MNH: Atomic energy use for peaceful purposes
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 72 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 73/74 MNH: Eradication modiale of variola
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 75 MNH: Namibia. Release, jusitce and co-operation
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 76/77 MNH: Air safety. International Civil...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 78/79 MNH: General Assembly of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 80 MNH: Conference on technical collaboration for...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 81/82 MNH: Office of the coordinator of the United...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 83/84 MNH: International year of the Child
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 85 MNH: For free and independent Namibia
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 86/87 MNH: The International Court of Justice of...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 88 MNH: New international economic order
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 89/90 MNH: Decade of the United Nations for the Woman
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 91 MNH: Operations of the United Nations for the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 92/93 MNH: 35é Birthday of the United Nations...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 94/95 MNH: Economic and Social Council
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 96 MNH: Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 97/98 MNH: International year of the handicapped...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 99 MNH: The Art of the United Nations (III)
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 100 MNH: New and renewable energy sources
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO Geneva number Yvert and Tellier 101/102 MNH: 10th Birthday of the program of the...