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mISE à JOUR 2021
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 620/625 MNH: The Universal declaration of the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 626/627 MNH: To age active and respected
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 628/631 MNH: Protection of nature. Animal...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 632/633 MNH: Environmental protection ?For a...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 634 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 635/640 MNH: The Universal declaration of the...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 641/644 MNH: International day of Peace
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier 645/648 MNH: Environment - Climate
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Pa 1/4 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Pa 5/7 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Pa 8/14 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Pa 15/18 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Pa 19/21 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Pa 22/23 MNH: Current series
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 2 MNH: 15th Birthday of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 3 MNH: 20th Birthday of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 4 MNH: Stained glass of Marc Chagall
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 5 MNH: 25th Birthday of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 6 MNH: 30éme Birthday of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 7 MNH: 35éme Birthday of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 8 MNH: 40éme Birthday of the United Nations
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 9 MNH: 40éme Birthday of the F.M.A.N.U
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 10 MNH: 40éme Birthday of the universal...
The House of the Collector proposes to you Collection stamps UNO New York number Yvert and Tellier Blocks 11 MNH: 45éme Birthday of the United Nations
Issued in 1980, it acts of the first series of stamps on the Flags of number 316 in number 331, in complete sheets, that is to say 4 series. Mint...