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Liste de produits par fabricant Banque nationale d'Ukraine

Bank national of Ukraine (???????????? ???? ???????)

The origins of the national bank of Ukraine go back to the year 1991: the Ukraine took its independence of the USSR and the Ukrainian Parliament promulgated a law on bankings in the country. The main objective of this central bank is to maintain the stability of the currency which is the hryvnia. It is in Kiev that the seat of this institution directed by a governor is located.

The national bank of Ukraine must carry out many missions: first of all, it is a question of working out and of making apply the monetary policy in the country. This monetary authority must also establish the regulation relating to the bank transactions, the reporting, accountancy, the protection of information or to the funds of the banks and the institutions of credit. In addition, it is charged to analyze balance of payments, to hold a register of the banks or to provide a support for the monetary system on the methodological level. This bank plays also a part on the international plan since it represents the interests of the Ukraine attached to the central banks of the other countries, the international banks and the institutions of credit.

Lastly, the national bank of Ukraine must issue the banknotes and strike the coins. Then, it organizes and supervises the circulation of the hryvnia.

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