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Liste de produits par fabricant Banque Centrale du Timor-Leste

Central bank of Eastern Timor (Banco Exchange of Timor-Light)

It is in 2011 that the central bank of Eastern Timor was created. Its functions were filled before by the Exchange Payments Office (a structure which was in particular charged to manage the account of the government of 2000 to 2001) then by Banking & Payments Authority of East Timor which was in activity of 2001 to 2011. The seat of the central bank of Eastern Timor is located at Dili. This monetary authority is autonomous on the level legal, administrative, financial and legal. Its objective is to improve quality of its services and to encourage economic development by maintaining a system monetary durable with a weak inflation.

Several missions are entrusted to the central bank of Eastern Timor: since 2003, it emits coins, the official currency being the American dollar. It must also supervise the systems of payment so that the latter are sure and effective. In addition, this central bank must regulate and supervise the market of the insurances. It is also this structure which supervises the commercial banks.

In addition, several publications emanate from the central bank of Eastern Timor: among them the daily newspaper “Exchange Rates and financial Information” or the quarterly review is “economic Bulletin” which contains analyses on the national economy.

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